Monday, March 18, 2019


In the early days of my career, I had a boss who really inspired me in a lot of ways. He once said something that stuck with me up until now. It was during one of those offline moments when he was talking to I and my colleagues in a relaxed mood after the day's work. Sharing with us some of his past work experience, he'd said this as he rounded up his talk "... when you get to a place, one of the things you do from onset is to PLAN YOUR EXIT."

It was much later that I had a deeper understanding of this statement and the Holy Spirit ministered to me more. It is such a profound statement that will not only aid our success in life but also guide the way and manner we live. Although at time, it was in relation to our job/career that the statement was made (planning how and probably when you will leave an organisation), nonetheless the application of this truth is vast and greatly rewarding.

Planning your exit is important and necessary because your exit is the surest event that will take place in any organization, situation or circumstances that you may find yourself. Whether you like it or not a time is definitely coming that you must exit. In an organisation any other event like promotion, salary increase, change of department, additional responsibilities, transfers etc., may be uncertain, but one thing that is as sure as ever is your EXIT. Either planned or unplanned it will definitely take place one day, even if you are the founder of the organization.

"...your exit is the surest event that will take place in any organization, situation or circumstances that you may find yourself..."

Exit is an inevitable event that everyone without exception must go through. Therefore it is only wise to acknowledge this, but even wiser is for one to PLAN for it. The organization or employer is fully aware of this fact that is why they have created a policy to plan not only the intake of employee but also their exit as well.

Planning your exit involves two phases, the NOW and THEN or the CURRENT and FUTURE or the HERE and the HEREAFTER.

- The first phase is the NOW/CURRENT phase which signifies your present position. Planning one's exit does not translate to loosing sight of the present, but rather it reinforces the fact that the present situation should be worked on more than ever.vit means the current state should not be toyed with not taken for granted because it is what determines how our exit will turn out eventually.

Permit me to use Jesus Christ as our grand example not for religious reason but because this is one person in the history of man who thoroughly planned His exit right from the beginning of his ministry and we can see the results till date.
In John 9:4 he said "I must work the work of Him that sent me while it is day, for the night comes when no man can work".
Eph.5:16 says "making the most of every opportunity for the days are evil". The knowledge of our exit should propel us to put in the very best of our effort on the NOW.
Ecc.9:10 " ...whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might, for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave where you are going".
Ecc. 12:1 says "Remember the Lord in the days of your youth (NOW), before the evil days (EXIT) come..."

So planning for one's exit in the NOW phase means that every moment is to be cherished and judiciously utilized, doing the right thing and not to be trivialised. It means a qualitative use of our time and opportunities because the time of exit is coming when those opportunities present now will no longer be there!
So how do we make the best out of our present to prepare for our future?

1. Set goals on what you plan to achieve while you are presently working. It also means to define your life purpose or assignment from onset and work tirelessly at it. Have a motivation to work for now and give it your all before the exit comes. Jesus had this mindset when He declared his life mission openly reading from Is.61:1 and he pursued His purpose with passion from thence forth. Knowing your calling or purpose can come by any of the following ways
      - By divine revelation
      - By discovery of natural abilities
      - By what you have passion to do.

"...the time of exit is coming when those opportunities present now will no longer be there!"

2. Planning your exit in the CURRENT phase should also cause you to make provision for your absence, that time of exit when you no longer be in the scene for one reason or another. We must realize that our life purpose is always bigger than us as individual. We cannot do it all because we are limited as men. Therefore impacting someone's life positively, mentor, coach, train and disciple those who will carry on that legacy, biz, mission etc in your stead. Abraham's mission was to be a father of many nation but he gave birth to only Isaac as the only child of promise. Isaac carried on the mission in his stead having instilled the values and tenets from Abraham. Isaac also passed this on to his sons and so on till the time of our lord Jesus Christ when we all can become children of the promise by faith.
The reason why the gospel of Jesus Christ is till in existence today was that Jesus made adequate provision for his physical absence right from the beginning of his ministry by discipling a team of followers who will carry on the work in his stead. He replicated himself in others. Never depart from the present position you are now with all the skills, knowledge and abilities God has blessed you with. This life is a continuum (continuity) not a competition, transfer it to others to carry on. Jesus said greater works shall we his disciples do. He wasn't after being a superstar in his generation, but he was rather after making superstars out of his followers. A good leader will always be confident that the work will be done whether he/she is there or not. Why? Because he/she has invested in the followers long and well enough to trust them.
Prov.13:22 "A good man leaves inheritance for his children's children"
why? because he (good man) planned his exit and therefore deemed it fit to invest in the next generation.

Now don't get it twisted, the Bible is not only talking about physical and material inheritance here but also and much more intangible and spiritual inheritance. What inheritance did Jesus leave with his disciples? Is it gold or silver? Lands or houses? No It's the Holy Spirit by which they where also able to carry on and fulfil the assignment given to them. Material inheritance are good but the lasting inheritance you can leave for the next generation are the intangible ones, like wisdom, faith, training and development, instilling good values, helping others to stand on their feet, a good legacy etc.

Prov.13:22 "A good man leaves inheritance for his children's children"

You are only a true success when you have been able to birth success in another, else your success fizzles out once you are no longer there. But when another successful individual can boldly make reference to you as the reason behind their success, you are a success indeed. Planning for your exit is investing in others.

- The second phase of planning for your exit is the THEN/FUTURE phase i.e. preparing for the next stage after the exit. When we talk of exit, exit does not imply an extinction rather it is a transient state that leads to another phase. Exit in itself is an entrance to another stage or realm. And don't forget exit in this context does not only imply death, exit generally means leaving where you are for another place. Therefore planning your exit is to adequately be prepared for the next level.

"Exit in itself is an entrance to another stage or realm."

One must be sincere enough to ask real life questions like "what next after this?" And begin to make concise plan for what is ahead. So that when the exit comes you are prepared to enter into the next stage. Remember the parable of the ten virgins (Matt.25:1)

This is mistake many people make when a sudden change of life event like the loss of a job happens and they are not fully prepared for it. Remember exit will always happens so be prepared to move to the next stage when it does happen. You may need to save up, create extra means of income, develop new skills, acquire more certifications, build networks,  etc. Just be ready and don't be taken unawares by and exit event. Those who do this do not suffer the pains of unprepared exit, but they leverage on their preparedness and enjoys the gains of the exit.

"Remember exit will always happens so be ready to move to the next stage when it does happen."

The exit phenomenon is inherent in areas of our life therefore it must be a way of life for us who desire to live a fulfiled life (abundant life). However the ultimate exit of all is our exit from this planet earth, it's the surest exit of all  times and cannot be taken for granted. We all therefore must be prepared for this exit applying all of the above points. This exit as well is an entrance into another realm and only those who are prepared will know it for good.
The good news is that God has made all the provisions for this final exit through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ and all we have to do is to believe in him and accept him.

Say the following prayers to prepare for this exit now, for no one knows the time of their ultimate exit.

"Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me and giving your only begotten Son Jesus as a sacrifice for my son's so that I will not perish but have everlasting life. I believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and I confess Him as my Lord and Saviour. In Jesus name I pray" Amen.

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